When Youngster first played at CBGBÕs, they were instantly recognized as the newest in a long line of pop greats that have shared this legendary stage. YoungsterÕs sound, showcased in Here Diagonally, is a cross between the quirky song-writing style of bands like They Might Be Giants or Ben Folds Five and harder pop-rocking groups like Weezer and Everclear. What makes Youngster unique is their ability to take a song through a wide variety of stages. Specifically, through carefully written lyrics, which carry emotion to new heights in music. From the CDÕs first track, ÒMoment of Silence,Ó to the Latin flavored beats in ÒNo Toy Surprise,Ó Youngster brings the listener to what has been described as Òmaniacal pop euphoria.Ó In October of 1998, Youngster used their upbeat sound to prevail as winner of Swing MagazineÕs ÒBattle of the Unsigned Bands.Ó Their long-term success, however, will come from the four memberÕs (Anne Marie Stehn-Bass, Jared Nissim-drums/vocals, Marc Dinkin-vocals/guitar, and Steve Cannarelli-lead guitar) spectacular energy on the stage and in the studio. To get more information about Youngster, buy their new CD, and to check out show dates, log on to www.youngsterworld.com.